

Theological Legacy and Ecumenical Vision: A Conference in Memory of Metropolitan John of Pergamon

Theological Legacy and Ecumenical Vision: A Conference in Memory of Metropolitan John of Pergamon

Constantinople, November 5–7, 2024.

We are pleased to announce the upcoming conference in honor of the late Metropolitan John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon, to be held in Constantinople from November 5th to 7th, 2024.

This event will gather renowned theologians, scholars, and clergy from around the globe to reflect on the immense theological contributions of Metropolitan John.

The conference will begin with an opening address by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who will deliver a lecture on The Theological Legacy of Metropolitan John Zizioulas.

The conference will feature multiple sessions highlighting various aspects of Metropolitan John's life, thought, and theological influence.

Notable speakers include:

  • Rev. Protopresbyter Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Linos (Athens Medical School), presenting on Known and Unknown Human Moments of Metropolitan John of Pergamon
  • Dr. Nikolaos Asproulis (Volos Academy for Theological Studies, Greece), discussing From Fr. Georges Florovsky to Metropolitan John: Continuity or Discontinuity?
  • Rev. Hieromonk Dr. Nicholas Sakharov (Monastery of St. John the Baptist, Essex, UK), speaking on St. Sophrony of Essex and Metropolitan John of Pergamon
  • Rt. Revd Christopher Hill (Honorary Assistant Bishop, Church of England), presenting Metropolitan John and the Anglican Communion: The Lambeth Conference and the Anglican Orthodox Dialogue
  • HE Metropolitan Job of Pisidia (Ecumenical Patriarchate), with a presentation on The Contribution of Metropolitan John Zizioulas to the Bilateral Dialogue between the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches
  • Prof. Dr. Aristotle Papanikolaou (Fordham University, USA), discussing Metropolitan John's Theology as the Axis of the Document 'For the Life of the World'
  • Dr. Konstantinos Zorbas (Orthodox Academy of Crete, Greece), addressing The Theological View of the Environment in the Work of Metropolitan John
  • Rev. Protopresbyter Prof. Dr. Alexis Torrance (University of Notre Dame, USA), with a presentation on Patristic Theology in the Work of Metropolitan John Zizioulas
  • Prof. Dr. Stylianos Tsompanidis (University of Thessaloniki, Greece), presenting on Metropolitan John Zizioulas' Contribution to the Ecclesiological Vision of the World Council of Churches (WCC)
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Illert (University of Halle, Germany), addressing Metropolitan John Zizioulas’ Theology and Protestantism
  • Prof. Dr. Stavros Yangazoglou (University of Athens, Greece), discussing The Holy Trinity and the Theology of Personhood in the Work of Metropolitan John Zizioulas
  • Rev. Msgr. Paul McPartlan (Catholic University, Washington USA), with a presentation on Eucharist, Church, and Eschatology in Metropolitan John’s Theology
  • HG Bishop Maxim of Los Angeles & Western America (Patriarchate of Serbia), speaking on The Dialectic of History and Eschaton in Metropolitan John’s Work
  • HG Bishop Ignatius of Požarevac and Braničevo (Patriarchate of Serbia), presenting Ontology in the Work of Metropolitan John Zizioulas.
  • Prof. Emeritus Paschalis Kitromilides (University of Athens, Academy of Athens, Greece), discussing Metropolitan John as a Member of the Academy of Athens
  • Mrs Maria Thalia Karras (Curator of Contemporary Art)
  • Dr. Evdoxia Delli (senior researcher, Academy of Athens, Greece)
  • Mr. Petros Papasarantopoulos (writer, publisher)

The conference will explore a wide range of topics central to Metropolitan John's theology, such as his contributions to inter-Christian dialogues, the theological challenges of contemporary times, and the biblical and patristic foundations of his thought. Key themes like the Holy Trinity, Personhood, Eucharist, and Eschatology will also be thoroughly examined.

We warmly invite all interested in Orthodox theology, ecumenical dialogue, and the legacy of Metropolitan John to attend this significant event. You can stay tuned to our website for registration details and more information.

John Zizioulas Foundation
John Zizioulas Foundation