A comprehensive bibliography on John Zizioulas provides lucid and insightful systematic presentations of Zizioulas’ theological vision. Some of the studies, such as Dario Chiapetti’s, Paul McPartland’s, Aristotle Papanikolaou’s, etc., break new ground by offering a constructive defense of Zizioulas unified theological vision. Led by a rigorous historical and theological method, many studies shed new light on Zizioulas’ thought. Some are important for contemporary philosophy, some for the ecumenical movement, and some for contemporary reflection on man and the authentic basis of his freedom.
This bibliography relies on Nicholaos Asproulis’s work, for which we are grateful.
Doctoral Disertations (Published and non-published)-Master Thesis
- Agoras Konstantinos, Personne et liberté: ou ‘être comme communion’ dans l'œuvre de Jean Zizioulas (A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III: Lille, 1992)
- Areeplackal Joseph, Spirit and ministries: perspectives of East and West (Dharmaram Publications: Bangalore, India, 1990)
- Aoun Michel, La dimension eschatologique du sacrement de l'ordre dans la discussion théologique récente (Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, Roma, 1995)
- Ασπρούλης Νικόλαος, Το είναι του Θεού και το είναι του ανθρώπου. Οι υπαρξιακές συνέπειες της περί Αγίας Τριάδος θεολογίας στο έργο του Μητροπολίτη Περγάμου Ιωάννη Ζηζιούλα, Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία (ΕΑΠ: Πάτρα, 2007)
- Bachmann Steve, Enigma variations: the Imago Dei as the basis for personhood; with special reference to C.E. Gunton, M. Volf, and J.D. Zizioulas (Brunel University, 2001)
- Bacon Hannah, What’s right with the Trinity? Conversations in Feminist Theology (Ashgate, 2009)
- Baillargeon Gaetan, Perspectives orthodoxes sur l'Église-Communion: l'œuvre de Jean Zizioulas (Éditions Paulines: Montréal, 1989)
- Ben Tallon, Luke Our being is in becoming: the nature of human transformation in the theology of Karl Barth, Joseph Ratzinger, and John Zizioulas (St Andrews, 2011)
- Bidwell Kevin, ‘The Church as the image of the Trinity’: A critical evaluation of Miroslav Volf’s ecclesial model, (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2011)
- Bortnyk Sergii, Kommunion und Person: Die Theologie von John Zizioulas in systematischer Betrachtung (LIT Verlag: Munster, 2014)
- Βωβός Θεόδ., Πρόσωπο, ετερότητα και φύλο στη θεολογία του Μητρ. Περγάμου Ιωάννη Ζηζιούλα, Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία (Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, Αθήνα, 2008)
- Carter Kameron, Hypostatic identity in the neo-patristic theology of John D. Zizioulas, Master Thesis (Dallas Theological Seminary, 1996)
- Chiapetti Dario, La libertà di Dio è la libertà del Padre: Uno studio sull'ontologia personalista trinitaria di Ioannis Zizioulas, Doctoral thesis, (Florence: Facolta Teologica dell'Italia, 2020); published in English: Dario Chiapetti, The Father's Eternal Freedom: The Personalist Trinitarian Ontology of John Zizioulas (Cambridge: James Clarke & Co., 2022).
- Chiavone Michael L., The one God: a critically developed evangelical doctrine of trinitarian unity (Eugene, Or.: Pickwick Publications, 2009)
- Christiansen, The source of the church: the Eucharistic ecclesiology of John D. Zizioulas and its contribution to the West Master Thesis (Camarillo, Calif.: St. John's Seminary, 2007)
- Clancy Finbarr G., St Augustine of Hippo on Christ, his Church and the Holy Spirit: a study of the De baptismo and the Tractatus in Iohannis evangelium, (Oxford University, 1992)
- Collins Paul M., Trinitarian theology, West and East : Karl Barth, the Cappadocian Fathers, and John Zizioulas (Oxford University Press: Oxford, New York, 2001)
- DeClue Richard G., The Petrine ministry within a Eucharistic ecclesiology according to John Zizioulas and Joseph Ratzinger, Master Thesis (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America, 2008)
- Degenkolb Ramon, Participatory Personhood: An evangelical essay on Christian anthropology (Trinity International University: Deerfield, Illinois, 2010)
- DeVille Adam, Orthodoxy and the Roman Papacy: Responding to ‘Ut Unum Sint’ with a recovery of the patriarchal model for the exercise of Roman Primacy, (St Paul University, Ottawa, 2008) 65-68
- DelVito Jason, Encountering Eucharistic presence within a postmodern context: A Dialogue among Chauvet, Schmemann and Zizioulas, (Duquene University, 2013) (αδημοσίευτη διδακτορική διατριβή)
- Durić Grigorije, Relational Ontology of John Zizioulas, Doctoral Thesis (Belgrade: University of Belgrade, 2014).
- Dudkin Vitaly, The pastoral implications of the Eucharistic ecclesiologies of Nicholas Afanasiev and John Zizioulas, Master Thesis (St. Vladimir’s Theological Seminary, 2010)
- Eagle David, Edwin Homosexuality and the Church: challenging essentialist definitions of gender through the work of Karl Barth, Eugene Rogers, and John Zizioulas (Duke University, 2009)
- Edwards Gregory, ‘Η Διακονία των Αγίων’ (Α’ Κορ. 16:15). Διακονία και Μαρτυρία κατά τον απ. Παύλο και η σύγχρονη Ορθόδοξη χριστιανική μαρτυρία στην Βόρεια Αμερική, Διδακτορική Διατριβή (Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2012) 123-135
- Elder Matt, A Queer ontology of personhood: John Zizioulas and queer theology (2013) (αδημοσίευτη μεταπτυχιακή εργασία)
- ErbrinkM, Christian Faith as Personal Relationship. An individual or communal interpretation? Master thesis (Utrecht University, 2008)
- Fisher, Christopher L, Human significance in theology and the natural sciences: an ecumenical perspective with reference to Pannenberg, Rahner, and Zizioulas, Princeton Theological Monograph Series 128 (Eugene, Or.: Pickwick Publications, 2010)
- Fischer Robert, Metaethics and the Trinity, Master Thesis (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois, 2006)
- Folsom Marty, A comparative assessment of the concept of freedom in the anthropologies of John Macmurray, John Zizioulas, and Karl Barth, (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1994)
- Fontbona Jaume, Comunión y sinodalidad : la eclesiología eucarística después de N. Afanasiev en I. Zizioulas y J.M.R. Tillard (Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya : Herder, 1994)
- Fox Patricia, God as communion: John Zizioulas, Elizabeth Johnson, and the retrieval of the symbol of the triune God (Liturgical Press: Collegeville, Minn, 2001)
- Foukas Panagiotis, Les Droits de l’homme et l’Orthodoxie, Master thèse (Cambesy-Genève, 2009)
- Frazier Scott D., The Trinity in the thought of Basil of Caesarea, the western tradition, and a modern Greek Orthodox theologian, Master Thesis (Multnomah Biblical Seminary, 2002)
- Frederickson Scott, The ecclesiology of God: the role of the divine congregation on the human congregation (St Paul, Minnesota, 2001)
- Gabrielson Randy Lyle, An evangelical critique on John Zizioulas’ understanding of particularity, Master Thesis (Regent College, Vancouver, BC, 1997)
- Gnau Dorothea, Dimensionen der Eucharistie nach Johannes Zizioulas (Master Thesis)
- Gnau Dorothea, Person werden: theologische Anthropologie im Werk der gegenwärtigen orthodoxen Theologen Panagiotis Nellas, Christos Yannaras und Ioannis Zizioulas (Universität Freiburg Theologische Fakultät, Institut für Systematische Theologie 2005)
- Golka James Robert, In service of communion: the Eucharistic eccleciology of John Zizioulas and its implications for ministry, Master Thesis (Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity, University of St. Thomas, 1995)
- Heil Andrew, Divine personhood, human rights: the image of God in the theology of John Zizioulas (Winston-Salem, NC: Wake Forest University, 2010)
- Hjalm Michael, Liberation of the Ecclesia. The Unfinished Project of Liturgical Theology (Anastasis Media AB, Uppsala University, 2011) 115-148
- Hill Graham Joseph Gary, An examination of emerging-missional ecclesiological conceptions: missional ecclesiology and the ecclesiologies of Miroslav Volf, Joseph Ratzinger and John Zizioulas (Flinders University, School of Theology, 2009)
- Humphrey Meredith, Corporeal Theology and the Politics of Pregnacy: Abortion and the Pregnat Body in Eastern Christian Thought (McGill University, 2007)
- Hvidt Niels, The Problem of Christian Prophecy (Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae, Romae, 2001) 39-51
- Jackisch, Jan Günter, Der Geist, Christus und die Kirche: John Zizioulas, Georges Florovsky, Martin Luther und Johannes Calvin im Dialog (Universität, Heidelberg, Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2003)
- Johnson Toby, A constructive attempt to develop a theological model of personal relationship, personhood and the Trinity, Master Thesis (University of Leeds)
- Kaggwa Robert, Koinonia: the triune God and mission a critical study of Jürgen Moltmann’s and John Zizioulas’ Trinitarian theologies and an inquiry into their possible relevance to contemporary African situations (Pont. Univ. Gregoriana, Diss. Roma, 1996)
- Kaniaru Antony, Rethinking Rationality: Theological Anthropology in light of Profound Cognitive Impairment, Relationality, Embodiment and Personhood (Durham University, 2012)
- Kidwell Jeremy Hunt, Elucidating the image of God: an analysis of the imago Dei in the theology of Colin E. Gunton and John (Jean) D. Zizioulas Master Thesis (Vancouver, BC : Regent College, 2009)
- Kim Dong-Ha, The significance of the Trinitarian koinonia for a contemporary ecclesiology: the contributions of Miroslav Volf and John Zizioulas (Knox College, Toronto School of Theology, 2008)
- Kireopoulos Antonios, The dialogue with Orthodox theology in the ecclesiology of Jurgen Moltmann: Trinitarian theology and Pneumatology as the two pillars of ecclesiology (Fordham University, 2003)
- Knight Barbara, Squaring Paul Tillich’s ecclesiological circle (University of Southampton, 2009)
- Kotlar, Person and Church, Master Thesis (The Ecumenical Institute of Theology St. Mary’s Seminary and University, 2001)
- Konath, Trinitarian Ecclesiology and the relation between Universal Church and Local Church (Roma, 2003)
- Lee Elizabeth, Made in the images of God: Towards a Trinitarian virtue Ethics, (Graduate Theological Union, 2010)
- Lee Man-Yiu, The church as person in the theologies of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, John D. Zizioulas and Jürgen Moltmann (Hongkong: Nation-Blessings Consultancy Company, 2013)
- Levering Matthew, Christ and the Catholic Priesthood: Ecclesial Hierarchy and the Pattern of the Trinity (Liturgy Training Publications: Chicago, 2010)
- Long Thomas E., Eschatological dimensions of church and kingdom in Lesslie Newbigin, John Zizioulas, Jurgen Moltmann and Hans Kung, Master Thesis (Duke University, 1990)
- Małecki Roman Kościół jako wspólnota: dogmatyczno-ekumeniczne studium eklezjologii Johna Zizioulasa (Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
- Manganyi Jele, Church and society: the value of Perichoresis in understanding Ubuntu with special reference to John Zizioulas, (University of Pretoria, 2012)
- Marshall Philip Francis Xavier, The local church: identity, relationships, & purpose: an exploration of the communion theologies of John Zizioulas and Jean-Marie Tillard (Flinders University School of Theology, 2010)
- ΜcArdle Patrick, The relational person within a practical theology of health care, (Australian Catholic University (2006)
- McDougall Scott, More than Communion: Toward an Eschatological Ecclesiology (Fordham University, 2013)
- McHardy David, Eucharist, ministry and authority in the ecclesiology of John Zizioulas, Master Thesis (University of Edinburgh, 1997)
- McPartlan Paul, The Eucharist makes the church: Henri de Lubac and John Zizioulas in dialogue (T & T Clark: Edinburgh, 1993)
- Melissaris Athanasios G., Personhood re-examined: current perspectives from orthodox anthropology and archetypal psychology; a comparison of John Zizioulas and James Hillman (Epektasis Publications: Katerini, 2002)
- Missé Jaume Fontbona I., Comunión y sinodalidad: la eclesiología eucarística después de N. Afanasiev en I. Zizioulas y J.M.R. Tillard (Barcelona: Facultat de teologia de Catalunya: Herder, 1994)
- Miltos Amphilochios Thomas, La Notion de "Personnalité Corporative" et son application possible à l'évêque : Recherches sur l'ecclésiogie de Jean Zizioulas et ses fondements patristiques, Master de recherche sous la dir. de Laurent Villemin (Institut catholique de Paris, STBS, 2013)
- Munteanu Daniel, Was ist der Mensch?: Grundzüge und gesellschaftliche Relevanz einer ökumenischen Anthropologie anhand der Theologien von K. Rahner, W. Pannenberg und J. Zizioulas (Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2010)
- Nastegaal, De verhouding tussen de eenheid en drieheid van God in de theologie van John D. Zizioulas, (Universiteit van Tilburg 2012)
- Nelson Haydn, The Providence of God: A Trinitarian Perspective (Murdoch University, 2005), 103-117
- Norris Barry John, Pneumatology, existentialism and personal encounter in contemporary theologies of church and ministry with particular reference to John Zizioulas and Martin Buber, (University of London, 1995)
- Out Idara, The eco-theologies of Thomas Berry and John Zizioulas: Intimations for ecological justice, Master Thesis, (Toronto School of Theology, 2012)
- Oxley Walter R., Personhood and communion a critical application of relational ontology in ecclesiology (Pont. Univ. Gregoriana, Roma, 2009)
- Papanikolaou Aristotle, Apophaticism v. ontology : a study of Vladimir Lossky and John Zizioulas (University of Chicago Divinity School, March 1998) και σε αυτοτελή μονογραφία ως Being with God: Trinity, apophaticism, and divine-human communion, (University of Notre Dame Press: Notre Dame, Ind. 2006)
- Pavlidou Eléni, Cristologia e pneumatologia: tra Occidente cattolico e Oriente ortodosso neo-greco: per una lettura integrata di W. Kasper e J. Zizioulas in prospettiva ecumenica (Dehoniane: Roma, 1997)
- Parushev Parush, Walking in the Dawn of the Light: On the Salvation Ethics of the Ecclesial Communities in the Orthodox Tradition from a Radical Reformation perspective, (Fuller Theological Seminary, 2006)
- Pekridou Aikaterini, Communion and primacy in the ecclesiologies of J.-M. R. Tillard and J.D. Zizioulas Master Thesis (Holy Cross Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline MA, 2006)
- Perks Catherine C., Towards a Realist Theology of Christian Community, (University of Aberdeen, 2003)
- Perreault John, The ecclesiology of Metropolitan John Zizioulas as an extension of the Trinitology of Basil of Caesarea, Master Thesis (Wesley Biblical Seminary, 1994)
- Ploeger Mattijs, Celebrating church: ecumenical contributions to a liturgical ecclesiology (Instituut voor Liturgiewetenschap Groningen; Tilburg: Liturgisch Instituut, 2008)
- Πλωμαρίτης Δημμήτριος, Ευχαριστιακή Εκκλησιολογία: Αναφορά στη θεολογική συμβολή του Αλέξανδρου Σμέμαν και του Ιωάννη Ζηζιούλα, Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία (ΕΑΠ, Πάτρα, 2008)
- Pulprayil Stanley, The theology of baptism and confirmation in the writings of Yves Congar and John Zizioulas (Pont. Univ. Gregoriana, Roma 2001)
- Robinson Peter Mark Benjamin, Towards a definition of persons and relations with particular reference to the relational ontology of John Zizioulas (University of London, 1999)
- Roegner Garrick, Social Trinity as a Model for Multicultural Fellowship, Master thesis (Dallas Theological Seminary, 2004)
- Σαββάτος Χρυσόστόμος (Μητρ. Μεσσηνίας) Η έννοια του ‘προσώπου’ εις την θεολογικήν σκέψιν του καθηγητού Ιωάννου Ζηζιούλα, μητροπολίτου Περγάμου, Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία (Pontifico Instituto Orientale, Ρώμη 1990)
- Sald Philip, Eucharistic Ecclesiology: Introduction and Assessment, Master Thesis (St. Vladimir’s Theological Seminary, 1989)
- Sandahl Stefan, Person, relation och Gud: Konstruktionen av ett relationellt personbegrepp i nutida trinitarisk teologi (Lunds Universitet (Sweden), 2004)
- Schweiger Stefan, Eucharistie und Kirche bei Joseph Ratzinger und John Zizioulas (2008)
- Sharp , Eastern Orthodox Theological and Ecclesiological thought on Islam and Christian-Muslim relations in the Contemporary world (1975-2000) (University of Birmingham, 2010)
- Skira, Jerry Zenon Christ, the Spirit and the Church in modern Orthodox theology: a comparison of Georges Florovsky, Vladimir Lossky, Nikos Nissiotis and John Zizioulas, (University of St Michael’s College, Toronto School of Theology, 1998)
- Smytsnyuk Pavlo, Η συνοδικότητα στα πλαίσια της ευχαριστιακής εκκλησιολογίας του Ιωάννη Ζηζιούλα, Μητροπολίτη Περγάμου. Ιστορικοθεολογική προσέγγιση, Μεταπτυχιακή εργασία (Θεολογική Σχολή, Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, 2010)
- Stoicoiu, Rodica M, The sacrament of order in its relationship to Eucharist, church and Trinity in the Theological writings of Edward Kilmartin and John Zizioulas, Doctoral Dissertation (Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., 2004)
- Stavrou M, L’Approche Théologique de la Personne chez Vladimir Lossky et Jean Zizioulas: a l’image et la ressemblance de Dieu, Master Thesis, (Saint Serge-Institute de Théologie Orthodoxe, Paris, 1996)
- Syty Janusz, Il primato nell'ecclesiologia ortodossa attuale: il contributo dell'ecclesiologia eucaristica di Nicola Afanassieff e Joannis Zizioulas (Pontificium athenaeum Antonianum, Roma, 2002)
- Tallon, Luke Ben, Our being is in becoming: the nature of human transformation in the theology of Karl Barth, Joseph Ratzinger, and John Zizioulas (University of St Andrews, 2012)
- Tanev Stoyan, The theology of the Divine energies in 20th century Orthodox thought (Sofia University ‘St Kliment Ohridski’, 2012)
- Tibbs, Eve M East meets West: Trinity, truth and communion in John Zizioulas and Colin Gunton, Dissertation, (Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena-California, 2006)
- Turner Robert D., Foundations for John Zizioulas’approach to ecclesial communion (Ephemerides theologicae lovanienses: commentarii de re theologica et canonica, 438 (2002)
- Vgenopoulos Maximos, Primacy in the Church from Vatican I to Vatican II: An Orthodox Perspective (Northern Illinois University Press, 2013)
- Volf Miroslav, Trinität und Gemeinschaft: eine ökumenische Ekklesiologie (Mainz : M.-Grünewald-Verlag; Neukirchen-Vluyn : Neukirchener Verlag, 1996) και σε δημοσιευμένη αυτοτελώς μονογραφία: After our likeness: the church as the image of the trinity (William B. Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, Mich., 1998)
- Whitefield Keith R., Between God and Man: Personhood, Trinity and the Metaphor of Text, (University of Aberdeen, 1990)
- Woelkers Alex, The Theology of John Zizoulas: contributions to anthropology Master Thesis (Carroll College, 2008)
- Wood Nathaniel, Freedom and Trinitarian ontology: personhood, communion, and the monarchy of the Father in John Zizioulas and the social trinity, Master Thesis, (Emory University, 2008)
- Thomas William Ruston, A Reparative Reading of the Eucharistic Ecclesiology of John Zizioulas and Its Reception as Social Trinitarianism, Doctoral thesis,(University of Birmingham, 2022)
- Aagaard Anna, “Marie Ecclesiology and Ethics”, Studia Theologica – Nordic Journal of Theology 55: 2 (2001), 157-174
- AblesE., “On the very idea of an ontology of communion: Being, relation and freedom in Zizioulas and Levinas”, Heythrop Journal 52:4 (2011), 672-683
- ——, “The Decline and Fall of the West? Debates about the Trinity in Contemporary Christian Theology”, Religion Compass 6/3 (2012), 163-173
- ——, “Being Church: A critique of Zizioulas’ Communion Ecclesiology”, G. Thiessen (ed.) Ecumenical Ecclesiology, Unity, Diversity and Otherness in a Fragmented World (T&T Clark, 2009), 115-127
- Agoras Constantin, “L’ anthropologie théologique de Jean Zizioulas: A bref aperçu”, Contacts 41 (1989), 6-23
- ——, “Vision ecclésiale et ecclésiologie. A propos d’une lecture de l’ œuvre de Jean Zizioulas”, Contacts 43 (1991), 106-123
- ——, “Hellénisme et Christianisme: la question de l’ histoire, de la personne et de sa liberté selon Jean Zizioulas”, Contacts 44 (1992), 244-269
- ——, “Comunione e solitudine nella teologia greco-ortodossa contemporanea”, S. Chiala et. al. (eds.) Comunione e solitudine (Edizioni Qiqajon-Comunita di Bose, 2011), 255-269
- ——, «Αναφορές στη θεολογική ερμηνευτική του Μητροπολίτη Περγάμου Ιωάννη Ζηζιούλα» (υπο έκδοση στα Πρακτικά του Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου που διοργανώθηκε από την Ακαδημία Θεολογικών Σπουδών Βόλου τον Οκτώβριο του 2011 με θέμα «Μητροπολίτης Περγάμου Ιωάννης Ζηζιούλας: Πρόσωπο, Ευχαριστία και Βασιλεία του Θεού σε ορθόδοξη και οικουμενική προοπτική»)
- ——, “J. Zizioulas: Une herméneutique eucharistique en théologie” (αδημοσίευτη εισήγηση στο Διεθνές Συνέδριο της Ακαδημίας Θεολογικών Σπουδών, τον Απρίλιο 2010, στο Παρίσι, με θέμα «Η ανανέωση της σύγχρονης ελληνικής θεολογίας: από τη γενιά του ‘60 στις προκλήσεις του σήμερα»)
- ——, «Φύση και Πρόσωπο, Ιστορία και Έσχατα στον Περγάμου Ιωάννη (Ζηζιούλα) και τον Χρήστο Γιανναρά: Ευχαριστιακή ερμηνευτική και πολιτισμική ερμηνευτική στη θεολογία», Π. Καλαϊτζίδης, Θ.Ν. Παπαθανασίου, Θ. Αμπατζίδης (επ. εκδ.), Αναταράξεις στη μεταπολεμική θεολογία. Η ‘θεολογία του 60’, (Ίνδικτος: Αθήνα, 2009), 165-234
- Αγουρίδης Σάββας, «Μπορούν τα πρόσωπα της Τριάδος να δώσουν βάση για περσοναλιστικές απόψεις περί του ανθρώπου; Σχόλια σε κάποιες σύγχρονες Ορθόδοξες θεολογικές προσπάθειες», Σύναξη 33 (1990), 67-78
- Alexandrov Victor, “Nicholas Afanasiev’s Ecclesiology and Some of Its Orthodox Critics”, Sobornost 31: 2 (2009), 45-68
- Alexandrov Victor, “Zizioulas’s Criticism of Afanasiev”, Eastern Theological Journal 6 (2020) 2, 223-278.
- Asimakis Ioan, “Chiesa ed Eucaristia nella teologia greca ortodossa attuale” StPat 53 (2006), 459-482
- Andreopoulos Andreas, “A modern Orthodox Approach to Spirituality”, Spiritus: A journal of Christian Spirituality 11:1 (2011), 10-23
- Ασπρούλης Νικολάς, «Η Εκκλησία μεταξύ Ιστορίας και Βασιλείας», Εφημέριος 58:3 (2009), 10-12
- ——, «Αγία Τριάδα, Εκκλησία, Έσχατα. Συμβολή στην ευχαριστιακή εκκλησιολογία του Μητροπολίτη Περγάμου Ιωάννη Ζηζιούλα», Θεολογία 80:4 (2009), 289-312
- ——, “John Zizioulas – Being as Communion”, E. Conradie (ed.) Creation and Salvation A Companion on Recent Theological Movements, 2 (LIT: Zurich, 2012), 46-50
- ——, “TF Torrance and John Zizioulas on divine Monarchia: The Cappadocian background and the Neo-Cappadocian solution”, Participatio 4 (2013), 162-189
- ——, “John Zizioulas”, P. Kalaitzidis, Cyril Hovorun et. al. (eds.) Orthodox Handbook for Ecumenism. Recourses for theological education (Volos Academy Publications in cooperation with WCC Publications and Regnum Books International: Volos, Greece, 2014), 254-257
- ——, “Is a Dialogue between Orthodox theology and (post)modernity possible?” Communio Viatorum LIV:11 (2012), 203-222
- ——, «Βιβλιοκριτική, π. Νικολάου Λουδοβίκου, Θεοποιϊα. Η μετανεωτερική θεολογική απορία, εκδ. Αρμός 2007», Θεολογία 80: 3 (2009), 359-364
- ——, «J. Zizioulas Communion & Otherness, T&T Clark, Edinburg 2006», Αθ. Αντωνόπουλος (επ. εκδ.) Επιστημονική Επιθεώρηση του Μεταπτυχιακού Προγράμματος ‘Σπουδές στην Ορθόδοξη θεολογία’ τόμος Α’ (ΕΑΠ: Πάτρα, 2010), 361-364
- ——, “Revelation, dogma and terminology in Georges Florovsky and John Zizioulas”, (και στο περιοδικό Θεολογία, 85: 1 (2014), 107-118, και στα Πρακτικά του 4ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου της Διεθνούς Ένωσης Ορθόδοξων Δογματολόγων στη Σόφια, 22-25 Σεπτεμβρίου, 2013)
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