
Systematic Theology

According to John Zizioulas, the confinement of the Orthodox faith in a “system” is dangerous and somewhat incompatible with the nature and character of Orthodox theology. It is characteristic that the Greek Fathers of the Church, except for Origen and, to a minimal extent Saint John Damascene, avoided writing systems of theology similar to those of Thomas Aquinas. The writing of a complete Dogmatic or Systematic theology troubled Zizioulas precisely for this reason. What necessarily came from his University traditions will perhaps have a temporary character for a long time. What has already begun, and we hope, God willing, will continue is an opening of systematic Orthodox theology to the outside so that the importance of the Orthodox faith for all areas of human existence and thought will become apparent, which will bring Orthodox theology to a creative dialogue with the other humanities and natural sciences. In this direction, and not towards the confinement of theology in some “system,” Zizioulas sees the justification of the title “systematic” for theology.

As all who have striven to contribute something to human knowledge and life know well, a man’s work always remains incomplete. The hitherto magnificent contribution of John Zizioulas to systematic theology has precisely such a character. It began with the attempt to establish it in the historical, and especially the Patristic origins of theology, and continues with the anxiety of its interpretation to modern man and his existential searches. The quantity of the production did not concern Zizioulas. However, its broad and creative discussion, with which he has been honored so far, served as encouragement and comfort for him.

From the exceptional contribution of John Zizioulas to the cultivation of Systematic Theology, we select few points, which are clarified in more detail in the presentation and analysis of the opus, as well as the extensive commentary which he offered internationally (see on this website). A complete presentation and analysis of this contribution can be found in the doctoral thesis listed on this website.

John Zizioulas Foundation
John Zizioulas Foundation