

Integration into the University world began for John Zizioulas, who in 1965 became assistant to Professor Konidaris at the chair of Church history.

After the publication of his Greek dissertation, Zizioulas became a research associate at the University of Athens (1966-1967).  

In 1967, a junta (dictatorship) came to power in Greece. “A climate of division has been created at the university. They came there to convince us to sign texts supporting the government. It was all an unpleasant experience”. Fr. Philip Zimaris describes it this way:

“Well aware of the theological significance of current events, Zizioulas did not shy from involvement in public discussion. At the outset of the dictatorship in Greece, he wrote an article in the newspaper Kathemerine criticizing the Junta’s arbitrary intervention in ecclesiastical affairs that violated important theological principles. Because of this he was compelled to leave Greece, a blessing in disguise, because this fostered the dissemination of his work internationally. At the suggestion of another great theologian, Nikos Nisiotes, he was then appointed Assistant Secretary of the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches from 1967-1970.”

John Zizioulas Foundation
John Zizioulas Foundation