

Ascetic Ethos and Monasticism

John D. Zizioulas - Ascetic Ethos and Monasticism

Los Angeles: Sebastian Press 2024
Edited by Hieromonk Vasilije Gavrilović

Metropolitan John of Pergamon extensively drew from the ascetic tradition of desert Fathers to such an extent that it culminated in an entire volume dedicated to monasticism. This collection of topics delves into the profound and multifaceted relationship between monastic life, the Eucharist, and the broader theological and ascetic ethos within the Orthodox Christian tradition. It explores the identity and role of the monk, emphasizing the concept of otherness and the ascetic life as a testimony to the eschatological reality of the Church. The dangers of secularization are highlighted, alongside a detailed examination of the theology of St Maximus the Confessor and St Silouan the Athonite. The discourse extends into ascetic mysticism, with insights from the desert Fathers—asking what these professors of the desert would say today! Themes of repentance, the battle against demonic influences through fasting and prayer, and the transformative power of love and kenosis underscore the spiritual journey towards the eschatological ethos of the Church. The collection also addresses the ecological dimensions of asceticism, urging a cultural revolution through the reevaluation of sin and the adoption of ascetic practices to honor the sacredness of creation.
Bishop Maxim (Vasiljević)

John Zizioulas Foundation
John Zizioulas Foundation