

Asceticism and the Eucharist - Exploring Orthodox Spirituality with Metropolitan John Zizioulas

Asceticism and the Eucharist Exploring Orthodox Spirituality with Metropolitan John Zizioulas

Maxym Lysack

London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 2023

An outstanding exploration of Orthodox spirituality centering on the key themes of the Eucharist and asceticism. Fr Maxym Lysack recruits the teachings of the celebrated Orthodox theologian John Zizioulas as our guide on this journey, sometimes critiquing him, often affirming him, and always allowing him to be a point of reference in the study. The reader is immersed in the work of a wide variety of Orthodox thinkers including: Archbishop Krivocheine, Father D. Staniloae, and Paul Evdokimov; the various responses to the Metropolitan by Jean-Claude Larchet, Vassiliadis, Fr. Berger, Papanikolaou, and Fr. Loudovikos; the three giants in ecclesial and personal spirituality, Saints Maximos, Symeon the New Theologian, and Gregory of Palamas; and the more recent work of Fr. Alexander Schmemann. Interpreted to us with both concision and care, these theologians and pastors are deftly placed in Fr. Lysack’s argument in what emerges as an introduction to Orthodox spirituality seen through the lens of contemporary Orthodox theology.

"A sparkling (and challenging!) introduction to Orthodox spiritual theology seen through the lens of contemporary Orthodox theology. It provides an essential intervention in the current debate among scholars concerning the contours of Orthodox spiritual theology. More than that, it is pastorally useful for the instruction of the faithful, calling us to celebrate the 'liturgy of the Eucharist' and the 'liturgy of the heart,' without playing off one against the other."
Edith M. Humphrey, Ph.D., Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

"Asceticism and the Eucharist is particularly valuable to the current theological dialogue and rapprochement of Eastern and Western Christians."
Protopresbyter George Dion Dragas, Ph.D., DD, DTh, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology

"The book is insightful, soberly critical, dialogical, and transformative. A highly valuable theological reading."
Stoyan Tanev, Ph.D. (Physics), Ph.D. (Theology), Carleton University

Maxym Lysack is an Orthodox priest of a multi-cultural parish in downtown Ottawa, Canada, and an Adjunct Professor of Eastern Christian Studies at Saint Paul University.

John Zizioulas Foundation
John Zizioulas Foundation